Lectureship Events

Philip S. Brachman Memorial Lecture

Wednesday, July 10 at 12:15 PM
Video Conference/Zoom Only (recording)
Topic: Playing Hide-and-Seek with Malaria Parasites

Marcello Ferreira

Marcelo Urbano Ferreira, MD, PhD
Professor of Parasitology
University of Sao Paulo

Philip S. Brachman, MD, (Professor, Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health) was former director of the Epidemiology Intelligence Service at CDC and a renowned educator in global health and field epidemiology. Dr. Brachman served for more than 30 years as Planning Committee Chair of the Summer Session in Epidemiology.

David Schottenfeld Lecture

Wednesday, July 17 at 12:15 PM
Video Conference/Zoom Only (recording)
Topic: Quantitative Skepticism for Drawing Credible Causal Conclusions in Epidemiology

Dr. ArahOnyebuchi A. Arah, MD, PhD, MPH
Professor of Epidemiology
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
Honorary Skou Professor 
Aarhus University, Denmark

David Schottenfeld, MD, MS, (John G. Searle Emeritus Professor of Epidemiology, University of Michigan School of Public Health) is a renowned cancer epidemiologist, receiving numerous honors and awards. Dr. Schottenfeld also served as director of the Graduate Summer Session in Epidemiology from 1988–2004.

 Archive of past lectureships