
Vaccine vial with syringe

FDA expert panel endorses idea of removing a component from flu vaccine

Arnold Monto quoted in Stat

The Food and Drug Administration’s expert vaccine advisory panel on Thursday unanimously endorsed the idea of taking a strain of influenza viruses that no longer appears to circulate out of flu shots as quickly as possible, pressing the FDA and manufacturers to try to get the work done on an expedited timeline.

A person receives a flu shot.

Looking at 10 years of data, experts recommend improvements to the flu vaccine

Q&A with Arnold Monto

According to a new study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, while there have been major advances over the last decade in an effort to improve the effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccine, innovative approaches are needed to significantly improve vaccine effectiveness. Study author Arnold Monto, professor of Epidemiology at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, discusses the findings.

Three small children play at a table.

Day care and the flu: Using robots, ferrets to explore ways to stop the spread

New research from Emily Martin

A new study seeks to better understand how behavioral and environmental factors affect the transmission of respiratory viruses in child care settings. Called MITIGATE FLU (Multidisciplinary InvesTIGation to Ease inFLUenza), the research is a collaboration between Virginia Tech, the University of Michigan, Emory University and the University of Pittsburgh.